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I really enjoyed RuPauls interview because he teaches so many lessons through out his talk. He is a drag queen but doesn’t let outside sources bring him down, or try and make him do something else. He loves what he does and wouldn’t change it for anything. He believes that our society is all based off of superficial and they are the ones telling us what we should believe is right from wrong. He gave the example of looking in a magazine and always seeing “normal” people, so when you go into the real world you don’t know what to expect because not everyone will look that way. I agree with what he has to say about society shaping who we are, there is no doubt about that. One lesson that I learned from his interview was that we should always do what we want, no matter what others say, because when you look back at it in life you will remember that one thing the most. I like this comment he made because people have always told me to do what I want because if you don’t you will later regret it and may never get the opportunity to do it again. I really enjoyed RuPaul and what he had to say about his life and the advice he would give to others. I believe he is someone that if I did more research on him and got to understand more about who he is as a person I would include him on my canon list.

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